Monday, February 2, 2009

Why Meditaions is Good

Alpha Meditation - Why it is Good For You By Amanda Isbitt

The art of Meditation has been around for over 5,000 years. Learning to meditate properly takes some time; however, anyone can grasp the basic concepts in just a very short time span. You would begin with the basic form and learn how to relax; wipe everything out of your mind and turning your attention to only one single thought. The word Meditation is a means to refer to many spiritual practices.

Meditation gives a person a better focus on self-awareness, a higher state of consciousness, and the ability to achieve a more creative aspect. It has been practiced by all sorts of religions and cultures from every country in the world, including the western world.

It has suffered much criticism from many doctors, because there was no proof that it worked. However, there have many studies done on Meditation and the findings were phenomenal. Doctors and people everywhere found that it does help a person relieve stress and pain as well as it helps the person to have a much better life.

Many people suffer from stress from their jobs, stress of a situation they may be in, or from an illness. Meditation helps relieve this stress, and pain from some form of illness by focusing your thoughts away from your troubles. Hospitals and clinics have used this technique more in the western world since the 1960's, and it has become so popular that it is being offered by many businesses, as an out-of- office class.

Most of the participants are taught to sit cross-legged, however, not all types of Meditation are taught this; many different traditions may have other ways to Meditate. Some may want you to sit on a stool. Some basic concepts in all the traditions prefer that you keep your back totally straight, and use an ommmm sound focus.

One way to practice a form of Meditation is to lie down and clear your mind by imagining a shiny sparkling cloud out in space traveling towards earth. As it reaches earth, it stops and the glittering sparkles form a beam of light right over your country, then the beam of light moves downward toward your city to you and as it gets to you, it begins to enter the top of your head. Suddenly, you can feel a tingling feeling traveling down your body from your head. As this tingling feeling moves down, you will begin to feel a warm feeling where the beam of light is passing through your body. You will feel the tingling travel on down warming your body in every part until it directs itself out through your toes. Your body will feel as though it is still pulsing a stream of particle light, and you will feel relaxed and full of energy.

This method is one that I have personally used for many years. It has changed my life for the better. I learned to dismiss the anger that I had so much of, and it taught me so much more.
Amanda Is A Work From Home Mum of 3, Mainly Researching Unique Products to write about. For all of the latest products, news, and case studies please visit Learn The Art Of Alpha Meditation
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